Creative Process



understanding customer, client, research



establishing the why and what



concept, mood, sketching, ideating



lo-fi prototypes, refined prototypes to prove concept



test with users & commercialize


Just like the scientific method where you go through specific steps, I go through a very thorough design process , focusing a lot on concept and research before diving into the mood, sketches, ideation, prototypes, and final design.

Values + Decisions = End Result

At the core of everything, design is empathetic, and is grounded with core values of both my ethos and clients. Having a great understanding of the client, the customer and who the work is for makes all the decisions for design intent full and strategically thought through.


Empathize and Define stage is where the values of a project are really established. Through research and discovery can we define the parameters of a project. It helps with the process for future design work on what is able to be compromised or not negotiable. With this foundation it makes sure that the design work come back to the intrinsic message of what the project is for, what the problem space presents that we can solve with the service of this project to the world.


After Empathizing and Defining the project, every step of decisions, the Ideate and prototype stage goes smoother. Every material, shape and form, design details that are decided on through sketching and ideation are grounded by if it is driven by the values.

end result

The end result falls into test stage. Everything out in the public is in some sense a prototype and always has room for improvement.

**I also have this belief that your human experience follows this exact principle, that your life choices come from a combination of your values + decisions that result in your experience of life. The more your life decisions align with your core values, the happier and more content you will feel.