Original Artwork & Commissions


  1. As of May 1 to June 30th 2021, 50% of proceeds from commissioned works will be going to The COVID-19 Response Fund for the St. Paul’s Foundation in Vancouver, Canada.


So happy I am able to work with you.

This is a page dedicated to those interested in original or commissioned artwork from me as an artist.

Separate from my Industrial Design Process, my art process is influenced more so by expression.

My artwork is often flat lined work or loose watercolour. I am interested in florals, animal, and body subjects influenced from Chinese Yunnan prints (province where I was born in), Japanese tattoo culture, mixed with contemporary modern muted colours, minimalism/essentialism movement that come from more Western and Scandinavian influences.

Take a look at past works for a sense of my style, mediums, cost I use if it fits for you. Fill in the form if you feel we will be a great fit.

Past Original Commission Works

Original Artwork Request Form


Fill in the below form /consultation

Email me your idea, medium, size of artwork.

I am open to ideas such as sculptural work, or custom printed scarves but will only stick within my style.

We can also set up a free 30min consultation call to talk about your idea if it is complicated and I can see what I can do.







Estimate pricing (varies between size and complication of art) Custom Medium and custom sized projects.

Within 1-2 days, I will give you a quote for the timeline and cost of the project.

Step 2: CreatION & Feedback

I take in half deposits, and begin my art process while we also check in as much as needed throughout the project.

Step 3: Final work

Finished work deliverables